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Cheryl Cravino – Master Gardener Windham Garden Club

by R. Rodgers

Cheryl Cravino

About how many different Hosta do you have in your yard – 2, 3, maybe 6?  Cheryl Cravino can’t say that.  Her secret love affair with Hosta has turned into HostaAmour with 1,108 different varieties of the leafy beauties in her yard!  The Pelham resident has been a Windham Garden Club member since 2006.  The Windham Garden Club is a powerful, positive force in Windham.  The Club is 50+ members of strong women and men who share their passion of gardening with the community in many ways.  Cheryl is currently the only non-Windham member, and she’s a keeper!  She has consistently donated to the Annual Plant Sale and has allowed overflow plant storage for the Club at her home.

Cheryl’s commitment to the Windham Garden Club and horticulture stems from a long line of gardeners in her family.  Her grandmother Myrtle Flynn was the first person known to hybridize water lilies.  To hybridize a plant is to cross two different plants to create a third.  Her mother had beautiful gardens, and all her sisters have green thumbs too!

After moving into her husband Rick’s childhood home 21 years ago with the challenge of making a garden from scratch in the woodland 1¾ acre property, they set out for what seemed like the impossible.  All these years later the gorgeous property has manicured gardens, complete with creative structures and stone walls, designed and built by Cheryl on 1½ acres of their property.

Mira tucked in Hosta

Cheryl’s favorite perennial, of course, is a Hosta, but which one!?  She also has the knack for hybridzing plants, creating “H. Matilda Jeanne,” her favorite plant, named after her beloved bulldogs.  Mira is her Garden Greeter these days.  The friendly bulldog is very polite and welcoming, starting visitors on their search for their “favorite” Hosta!

Cheryl started her elicit love affair with Hosta as a weekend hobby with about 100 varieties of Hosta that she liked to grow and share with family and friends.  That has turned into a side business that she does on the weekends after working a 50-hour week as a Marketing and Creative Service Director.

Aside from being a successful entrepreneur, Cheryl is also a Master Gardener.  In 2009 she attended a 30+ week program at the UNH Extension, a program that covers everything there is to know about gardening from invasive species to bird movement.  The class finished with Cheryl was more than capable to answer the questions on the UNH garden Hot Line.  “They would call about literally everything from bugs to zucchini bread recipes!” laughed Cheryl.  Part of the program also calls for the student to design, supervise, and execute a major gardening project in the community.  Cheryl worked with a Hudson Junior Women’s Group and installed a Butterfly Garden at Benson’s Park.  The Butterfly Garden is now well established and has been designated as a Monarch Waystation.  By creating and maintaining this garden, she has contributed to the conservation of monarch butterflies and helped with their preservation and the continued spectacular monarch migration.

HostaAmour, a shabby chic garden experience, is now available for you to explore.  Cheryl shares her gardens and her “Chic Shed” with the public throughout the summer months on weekends beginning Mother’s Day.  Cheryl proves that there is magic in nature and that gardening does make a difference in the world.  “My wish is that people would look at the beauty that surrounds them and not take it for granted,” said Cheryl.

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Windham Garden Club Robin Heider

By R. Rodgers

“Mom, When am I going to be a gardener?,” asked Robin Heider of her mother when she was quite young, wanting to follow in her mom’s footsteps.  This question seems unbelievable coming from Robin, the “Chief” of the Windham Garden Club.  Robin’s parents were both avid gardeners her whole life, but she just couldn’t seem to find the time for it.  That’s all changed now and has been for a very long time.  Robin and her husband Bruce have devoted their retirement to tending their garden, “The Yard”. 

The high school sweethearts moved to Windham in 1976 and still live in the same beautiful home where the morning sun greets them hello and the sunset bids them goodnight each day.  “When we first came here, Bruce grew vegetables, but as the trees grew in we switched to perennials,” said Robin.

Beauty Berry bush in full bloom.

Robin’s garden holds many favorites for her in the spring it’s all the bright colored bulbs and peonies, and of course day lilies that she loves.  Her real favorites, though, are the Hosta, coral bells, and the plants that don’t “show off” with flowers.  She much prefers their foliage and the textures of the less showy plants.  “There is so much to enjoy about plants besides the flowers,” said Robin.  Her gardens are mostly shady.  Lately, she has been turning more toward shrubs and container gardens for their ease of care.  Her most prized shrub is the Beauty Berry (callicarpa americana), a seemly insignificant 3-to-6-foot shrub that only shows its glory in late summer through fall in the manner of bright, plump purple berry clusters.  Taking care of the “Yard” is a full-time job for the pair and a great retirement activity.  They work from March through November, starting with pruning and ending with mulch.  When she’s not in her garden, she volunteers at many places, including one of her favorites, Bedrock Gardens in Lee NH in the “Hands in Dirt” program.  Robin was a Founding Member of the Windham Garden Club in 1990. 

The Windham Garden Club has volunteers that take special care of many spots in the town.  Robin is there for each work detail, from planning all the way through to watering the masterpieces when they are finished.  These places include the Butterfly Garden at the Nesmith Library, the Town Hall, Bartley House, Veterans Cemetery, and the Gazebo.  Aside from that she has been a Co-Chair of the Annual Plant Sale for many years.  The Plant Sale is the biggest undertaking for the club.  The money raised by the sale goes back into the community through scholarships and grants.  The Arthur Baker Community Investment Grant has been given out for projects like conservation mapping, High School Greenhouse Project, flagpole beautification, and trail markers to name a few, along with scholarships to graduation seniors.

The Club also gives out member recognition awards.  Receiving most of them over the years, including the Mighty Oak, where she was dubbed “Chief” and given the Golden Trowel for outstanding achievements in service, Robin also WOW’ed two Presidents.  Officially that is, I’m sure they were all “wow’ed” by Robin and her amazing dedication to the Club and her never-ending strive to make the earth a better place.  “I promote people to join the garden club.  There is so much to learn.  I’ve been around a long time and I’m still learning!” encouraged Robin.

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Windham Garden Club Learns about Gardening with Herbs

On Thursday, November 17th, the Windham Garden Club (the “WGC”) met at the Town Hall for two and a half hours to learn about herb gardening in New Hampshire. 

The presentation covered various herbs – both common and uncommon – that can grow in New Hampshire, along with detailed:

  • Growing tips for the herb;
  • Culinary uses for the herb;
  • Claimed medical uses for the herb;
  • Historical facts about the herb, including traditions and superstitions;
  • Common pests;
  • Garden organization; and
  • Propagation methods.

My favorite fact shared during the event is that:  according to legend, if there is a thriving rosemary plant in front of the house, a strong woman runs the household.  I know the first thing I will be planting in the spring!  We also learned that the hollow petioles from the lovage plant make good straws for a Bloody Mary. 

Some of the herbs we discussed in particular were: parsley, basil, sweet woodruff, borage, calendula, chamomile, chives, coriander, comfrey, anise hyssop, basil, bay, bee balm, dill, fennel rue, lavender, lemon verbena, lovage, mint, rosemary, sage, stinging nettle, thyme, and yarrow.   

The WGC organized the program through the University of New Hampshire Extension Speaker’s Bureau.   Our lecturer, Sarah Marcoux:    

Sarah Marcoux
  • Has delivered presentations as part of the University of New Hampshire Extension Speaker’s Bureau since 2017, lecturing around the state at garden clubs, libraries, and other venues;
  • Has been a master gardener since 2016; 
  • Is the mother of the youngest master gardener in New Hampshire; and
  • Volunteers for the UNH Extension Free Seeds for Education program, which donates seeds to educational groups to teach the science and importance of plants.

The Windham Garden Club’s mission is bringing together people who are interested in all aspects of gardening, horticulture, and conservation.  Membership meetings run September through June on the third Thursday of the month in the evening and are open to the public. The WGC also decorated a holiday tree, which you can see on display in the Town Commons.        

Be sure to join the WGC at one of its upcoming meetings:

  • January 20 – “The Heirloom Gardener” by author and garden historian John Forti.  Zoom
  • February 17 – “State of the Loon – The Natural History, Challenges, and Successes of Loons in New Hampshire” by biologist Harry Vogel.  Windham Town Hall
  • March 17 – “Exploring Nature’s Ability to Teach and Heal!” by Lisa Burris, Executive Director of Turn Back Time, a nature education program. 
  • April 21 – “Attracting Birds, Bees and Butterflies to Your Yard” by Betty Sanders, a lifetime Master Gardener. 

Membership in the Windham Garden Club is open to gardeners of all levels and is only $20.  If you are interested in joining, visit or email 

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Gardening in Windham

Meet Margaret Crisler

Margaret Crisler

by R. Rodgers

Iris – Dream On

“I am most passionate about iris – both German and Siberians, and I have a Lot of them!”, remarks Margaret Crisler one of Windham Garden Club’s Master Gardeners.  Margaret, I found is passionate about many things, gardening being very high on the list, along with her constant companion Max, her 13-year-old golden retriever.  To become a Master Gardener, it takes hours of volunteer time and continued commitment to the community.  As a Master Gardener she shares her knowledge freely.  Margaret’s initial Master Gardener project was the beautiful stone wall and garden in front of Nesmith Library, she organized volunteers, acquired plants and made it happen.  Making things happen is one of Margaret’s super powers.  Currently, she is working with the Windham Endowment on the Wildflower Garden at the new Moeckel dam site. 

Margaret has been a garden club member since 1995, she has worked consistently on many projects over the years, but her most demanding – and enjoyable has been the plant sale.  For more than 25 years, she has donated hundreds of plants from her garden, all except the blood root.  Her blood root is very special and she keeps it close.  “Planting blood root is easy but you need to know how. First you dig a big hole, place a piece of firewood, like oak or maple in the bottom, backfill with good soil and plant your start on top,” Margaret explained.  Blood Root (sanguinaria canadensis) bloom white daisy like flowers in the early spring and is a native of North America. It’s a good idea to overplant with ginger to fill in after the foliage dies back.  Also, when planting lilies, you should include some fritillaria, to deter voles.

Bobo hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculate ‘Ilvobo’)

Bobo hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculate ‘Ilvobo’) is another of her most treasured, the one she likes to gift.  “They are small and so free blooming.  Actually, all hydrangeas are beautiful and work well in the perennial garden,” said Margaret.  “The soil here is acidic so they like a little lime,” she said.  Margaret learned her love of the garden from her great-grandmother in the south where she grew up.  “She would use me as ‘free labor’ pulling weeds, she would point and say pull, or she would say dig here, no deeper!”  Now I hire teenagers and I do the pointing,” laughs Margaret. 

She has three children. Only one of which is a passionate gardener.  Her grandmother was a real gardener, “she grew vegetables so her family eat during the depression.”  Margaret’s mother was not a gardener she was a golfer. 

Max is moving a little slow but was still ready to make friends and “hang out” throughout my visit. He is a beautiful, loving dog.

Of all the secrets she shared her most important advice was to dig big holes, test your soil, add lime and nutrients as needed, and read the tags carefully.  One of the hardest tasks to do here in Windham is keep everything watered!  If Margaret had a magic wand her wish would be that she was younger so she could garden more, “getting old is no fun.”  “The Garden Club is doing so well, we have great leadership and we are doing all the right stuff, my favorite part is we don’t have to dress up to go to meetings!”  “Hang in there and keep digging!” was Margaret’s closing wish. 

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Windham Garden Club Learns about Heirloom Gardening

“When the world wearies and ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden.” – Francis Bacon. 

Humans have been gardening for thousands of years – for culinary, medicinal, and aesthetic purposes.  Although society has developed significantly, we can learn much from the past as we work toward a sustainable future. 

On Thursday, January 20th, garden historian and ethnobotanist John Forti spoke with the Windham Garden Club (the “WGC”) about how we can further cultivate our connection with the land.  Ethnobotany explores how people have used plants for food, textiles, medicine, and other purposes through the ages in different cultures. 

Mr. Forti’s presentation included a discussion of:

  • Plants you can grow in your garden for culinary purposes;
  • Native plants, such as Joe Pye-weed and ostrich ferns;
  • Traditional methods of growing certain vegetables;
  • The importance of growing food that is native to the region;
  • Preservation of heirloom seeds – with a note that over the last 100 years humans have narrowed the genetic diversity of plants that feed us by over 90%;
  • The importance of farmers’ markets (with the location of particularly good farmers’ markets in our area!); and
  • Information on the history of certain herbs, such as sage and wasabi. For example, we learned that sage has antibacterial properties, which is why it was traditionally used to season meat.  Similarly, the wasabi plant also has antibacterial properties, which explains its historical pairing with sushi.    

Our speaker, John Forti:    

  • Authored the book The Heirloom Gardener: Traditional Plants and Skills for the Modern World;
  • Serves as the Executive Director of Bedrock Gardens in Lee, NH (;
  • Is the former Director of Horticulture for the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, the oldest horticultural society in the country; and
  • Has thousands of followers on his Facebook page, where he blogs as “The Heirloom Gardener – John Forti”.

  Read more about John Forti at

The Windham Garden Club’s mission is bringing together people who are interested in all aspects of gardening, horticulture, and conservation.  Membership meetings run September through June on the third Thursday of the month in the evening and are open to the public.

Be sure to join the WGC at one of its upcoming meetings:

  • February 17 – “State of the Loon – The Natural History, Challenges, and Successes of Loons in New Hampshire” by biologist Harry Vogel. Windham Town Hall
  • March 17 – “Exploring Nature’s Ability to Teach and Heal!” by Lisa Burris, Executive Director of Turn Back Time, a nature education program.
  • April 21 – “Attracting Birds, Bees and Butterflies to Your Yard” by Betty Sanders, a lifetime Master Gardener.

Membership in the Windham Garden Club is open to gardeners of all levels and is only $20.  If you are interested in joining, visit or email 

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Windham Garden Club Holds Second In-Person Meeting – “Gardening is Murder”

On Thursday, October 21st, the Windham Garden Club (the “WGC”) held its second meeting of the 2021 – 2022 membership year, with a featured presentation called “Gardening is Murder”.  Nearly every seat in the Town Hall was filled with members or guests, including several spouses, members of the Manchester Garden Club and the New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs President, Sue Miner of Salem, NH. 

As our presenter, Neal Sanders, delivered a humorous talk on the spouse’s point of view on gardening, attendees laughed, sympathized, and walked away with some new information.  More importantly, the gardeners in the audience gained insight into the thoughts of their helpers (in this author’s case, the mind of her husband). 

Some of Neal’s words of wisdom included:

  • The fundamental gardening principle that the size of the rock you will encounter while digging a hole is directly proportionate to the importance of the plant you intend to put in that location
  • How it is impossible to do just one thing in the garden
  • Cautions about the dangers of internet gardening advice
  • Cautions that the squirrels in your yard have never seen a Disney film and thus are likely to misbehave

Our lecturer, Neal Sanders:    

Neal Sanders

  • Serves as “The Principal Undergardener” for his wife, who is a Lifetime Master Gardener.  His title is inspired by the hierarchy of gardeners on traditional British estates.
  • Is the author of 15 mystery novels, many of which use horticulture as a plot point.  These books include The Garden Club Gang, and A Murder at the Flower Show. 
  • Writes the blog “The Principal Undergardener”, with thoughts on gardens, gardening, and gardeners – available at
  • Delivers similar lectures to groups around the country.

The Windham Garden Club’s mission is bringing together people who are interested in all aspects of gardening, horticulture, and conservation.  Membership meetings run September through June on the third Thursday of the month in the evening and are open to the public.     

Be sure to join the WGC at one of its upcoming meetings:

  • November 18 – “Herb Gardening” by Master Gardener Sarah Marcoux, on growing and using culinary herbs.  Windham Town Hall
  • January 20 – “The Heirloom Gardener” by author and garden historian John Forti.  Zoom
  • February 17 – “State of the Loon – The Natural History, Challenges, and Successes of Loons in New Hampshire” by biologist Harry Vogel.  Windham Town Hall
  • March 17 – “Exploring Nature’s Ability to Teach and Heal!” by Lisa Burris, Executive Director of Turn Back Time, a nature education program. 
  • April 21 – “Attracting Birds, Bees and Butterflies to Your Yard” by Betty Sanders, a lifetime Master Gardener. 

Membership in the Windham Garden Club is open to gardeners of all levels and is only $20.  If you are interested in joining, visit or email 

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Windham Garden Club Resumes In-Person Meetings, Hears from Rose Garden Expert

On Thursday, September 16th, the Windham Garden Club (the “WGC”) held its first meeting of the 2021 – 2022 membership year.  Although members had met outside for WGC activities such as the Club’s Annual Plant Sale last May, this was the first in-person membership meeting since February 2020. 

Members and their guests gathered at the Town Hall for a presentation on “Winterizing Your Roses” by Teresa Mosher, a local rose expert, who:

  • Served as President of the New England Rose Society for 12 years.
  • A Horticulture Rose Judge
  • Is a Master Rosarian for the American Rose Society (certified by the American Rose Society as an expert who can provide free advice on roses; if you are interested in speaking with a Consulting or Master Rosarian to advise on your roses, visit the American Rose Society website at or New England Rose Society,
  • Is the author of “A Year In My Rose Garden”; and How Roses Touch Our Lives.
  • Has over forty years of experience with roses, and over 250 roses and thousands of perennials in her garden.   

Teresa Mosher

Attendees at the WGC September meeting learned:

  • Differences between varieties of roses;
  • How to carefully select appropriate roses for our region;
  • How to plant the rose depending on whether the plant has been grafted; and
  • How to protect the different varieties of roses from harsh winter winds. 

The Windham Garden Club’s mission is bringing together people who are interested in all aspects of gardening, horticulture, and conservation.  Membership meetings run September through June on the third Thursday of the month in the evening and are open to the public.     

Be sure to join the WGC at one of its upcoming meetings:

  • October 21 – “Gardening is Murder”.  A humorous presentation by Neal Sanders on the “spouse’s point of view” on gardening.  Windham Town Hall
  • November 18 – A hands-on workshop to create holiday decorations.
  • January 20 – “The Heirloom Gardener” by author and garden historian John Forti.  Zoom
  • February 17 – “State of the Loon – The Natural History, Challenges, and Successes of Loons in New Hampshire” by biologist Harry Vogel.  Windham Town Hall
  • March 17 – “Exploring Nature’s Ability to Teach and Heal!” by Lisa Burris, Executive Director of Turn Back Time, a nature education program. 
  • April 21 – “Attracting Birds, Bees and Butterflies to Your Yard” by Betty Sanders, a lifetime Master Gardener. 

Membership in the Windham Garden Club is open to gardeners of all levels and is only $20.  If you are interested in joining, visit or email

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Soil Amendments:

Our member Margaret toured a garden in Wells Maine that was fabulous! The plants were in beautiful condition, which the owner attributed to her work with soil. As the saying goes “gardeners build soil first, then plants!”

This is her soil recipe, which she shared.

Wells Corner Garden

Spring Soil Prep

To each wheelbarrow of good quality compost, add:

• 1 ½ gallons alfalfa pellets
• 1-gallon bonemeal
• ½ gallon of commercial 19-19-19 fertilizer

Mix together and spread evenly to depth of 1- 1 1/2 inches. Fork in before planting or use as top dressing on established perennials and shrubs.

If applying to acid-loving plants, mix 50/50 with peat.

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Congratulations to our Scholarship and Grant Winners

We are proud to announce our scholarship and grant winners.

Nancy Surette Memorial Scholarship Winners are:

  • Lauren Brooks
  • Amy Martins

(Pictured above)

Each of our winners were awarded a $2,000 scholarship. Baker Grant Winners:

  • Samuel Walden / Boy Scout Troop 263 for his Eagle Scout Project – Foster Pond Trail markers.
  • Windham Endowment for their project Pollinator Garden at Moeckel Pond
  • Windham Center School for the Life Skills Garden – Learning Experience
  • Windham Academy for creation of a School Garden

The awarded grants amount vary by project and request.