Windham Garden Club (WGC) will be conducting their January meeting on Thursday, January 16 at 7:00pm via Zoom. There will be a very short business meeting followed by featured speaker Donald Allen presenting “Black Bear Happenings in New Hampshire”
The Black Bear is one of New Hampshire’s largest and most majestic mammals. The sight of the state’s only bear species in the wild often remains a treasured memory. We know there have been many bear sightings here in Windham. Donald Allen, a New Hampshire Fish and Wildlife Steward will share information about black bears in the state. You will learn about the natural history of this intriguing mammal, its habitat needs, and ways to avoid potentially costly conflicts. In this one hour presentation, you will also hear about the amazing federal funding mechanism that supports long-term research and is largely responsible for our country’s abundant fish and wildlife.
We hope you can join us for this informative presentation! Visit the WGC webpage, windhamgardenclub.org, on Thursday January 16 for the Zoom link. For more information or questions contact info@windhamgardenclub.com.