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February 15th, 2024 meeting

Windham Garden Club February Meeting – “Invasive Plants in New Hampshire”

The Windham Garden Club’s February meeting will be Thursday, February 15th, 7:00pm at the Windham Town Hall. This is an open meeting and all are invited to attend! Burning Bush, Japanese Knotweed, Oriental Bittersweet are only a few of the invasive plant species we have to contend with in our backyards. Join us as speaker Donna Lussier talks about New Hampshire’s invasive plant species, why invasive plants are a problem, and best practices for helping to control/avoid invasive plants.

Many familiar plants in our fields, along roadsides, and in our yards are not native to New Hampshire. While the majority cause no harm, some do and are considered invasive plants. An invasive is a plant or animal that is not native to a particular ecosystem and is capable of moving aggressively into an area, monopolizing light, nutrients, water, and space to the detriment of native species. Invasive plants can reduce biodiversity, imperil rare species, reduce wildlife habitat, degrade water quality, reduce forest production and cause human health problems.

Donna Lussier has been a UNH Extension Master Gardener since 2017 and a Master Gardener Speakers Bureau presenter since 2018. Through the Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau Donna periodically presents gardening topics to libraries, garden clubs, and community organizations. In addition, Donna is a member of the Pelham Garden Group and New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs. Her goal is to share her gardening knowledge with the community so others may reap the benefits of enjoyment, bonding, and fulfillment, and connect with their own gardens and nature.

For more information or questions contact We hope you can join us for this interesting presentation!