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Windham Garden Club March Meeting – “Jumping Worms, Ugh!”

The Windham Garden Club’s March meeting will be Thursday, March 21, 7:00pm at the Windham Town Hall. This is an open meeting and all are invited to attend! Join us as our speaker Marti Warren presents “Jumping Worms, Ugh!”

As gardeners, we’re already well trained to look for signs of disease, weeds, root health, and pests when buying, selling, or swapping plants. This diligence gives us confidence that as we bring new plants and soil into our gardens, we’re not bringing problems too. Today, a new threat to our soil health and successful gardening has emerged on the scene: the Asian jumping worm (Amynthas spp.), also commonly known as the crazy worm and snake worm. These worms are invasive and cause harm to the soil, unlike other common earthworm species. Unfortunately, the worms are here in New England and super widespread and likely you will encounter them in your garden, so we need to look at the best way to minimize their spread and maybe contain them. Marti Warren will share the facts about these invasive worms and there will be time for questions and discussion.

Marti is a member of the Amherst Garden Club and has spoken to his club as well as other clubs about Asian Jumping Worms. In fact, Marti has been following the conversation about jumping worms for the last three years.

For more information or questions contact We hope you can join us for this informative presentation!