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Windham Garden Club April Meeting – “Backyard Bird Identification”

The Windham Garden Club’s April meeting will be Thursday, April 18th, 7:00pm at the Windham Town Hall. This is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. Join us as our speaker Slater Roosa of NH Audubon presents the informative program “Backyard Bird Identification.”

Enjoying the sights and sounds of birds returning to our backyard is one of the many joys of spring. It’s also a great way to connect with nature and feel inspired by the beauty of our planet. Slater Roosa Education Coordinator for of NH Audubon will go over some bird identification basics, binocular use, some online tools, and some tips on how to encourage more birds to visit your yard/garden. One of the most important birding items is a pair of binoculars to help you see the birds. Binoculars (“bins” for short) are a basic piece of birding equipment. There are hundreds of choices from many manufacturers and there is a wide range in price. Before purchasing a pair of bins, you should check out various models. We will have an opportunity to try out and learn how to use binoculars!

Our meeting format will be a bit different for this meeting, we will meet outside at 7:00pm to try out and learn how to use binoculars. We will the transition inside for refreshments with our short business meeting to start at 7:30pm followed by Slater’s presentation.

For more information or questions contact We hope you can join us for this wonderful presentation!